Rerum, Deus, fons omnium / O God, Creation’s Source and Spring

Through the Year, Weeks 2 & 4, Sunday I Vespers
Translated 2020.

Rerum, Deus, fons omnium,
qui, rebus actis omnibus,
totius orbis ambitum
censu replesti munerum,

Ac, mole tanta condita,
tandem quietem diceris
sumpsisse, dans laboribus
ut nos levemur gratius:

Concede nunc mortalibus
deflere vitae crimina,
instare iam virtutibus
et munerari prosperis,

Ut cum tremendi iudicis
horror supremus coeperit,
laetemur omnes invicem
pacis repleti munere.

Praesta, Pater piissime,
Patrique compar Unice,
cum Spiritu Paraclito
regnans per omne saeculum. Amen.

O God, creation’s source and spring,
When you had finished ev’ry thing,
You filled the world, in all its space,
With blessings, riches, wealth, and grace.

And, when this work, immense and vast,
Was done, you took your rest at last;
Thus it is written for our sake,
That we refreshing rest may take.

Now grant us mortals to deplore
The crimes of life, and love you more;
On virtues may we be intent,
And win the favors you have sent,

That, when the Judge whom all must fear
And terror unsurpassed draw near,
Filled with the gift of peace, may we
Rejoice as one, from fear set free.

Most gracious Father, only Son,
And Comforter, the Three-in-One;
Accept our praise and grant our plea,
Who live and reign eternally. Amen.